First of all, I hope it's not too late to wish all my Muslim readers Happy Ramadan Kareem. Let's take the opportunity to keep our hearts close to Allah and may our fasting be accepted in full barakah. Amin.
I've been very busy this Ramadan as my thesis due date is approaching in 2 weeks' time. There are still few things to finalize so I spend most of my time at the Postgrad workroom, thus even limiting my time online. I really wanted to submit before the allocated time so my supervisor would have ample time to check, and I would have enough time to do the corrections. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to works and stuff, so this thesis HAS to be PERFECT. So I'm putting everything I have in the thesis. So I really hope it'll turn out well. Wish me luck, k!
So it was really lucky that I've done few crafting few weeks back, but not having the time to post them here. So here goes another card, done with another simple quilling technique, and also using the handmade embossed prima flowers. You can read on how to go about doing the flowers in my tutorial here.
I've been browsing on a few quilling blogs that give great ideas on what else to do beside flowers and butterflies, and I already have some ideas on what I'd do next. But due to the time constrains I have to make do with what I have, and polish my skills in the quilled flowers department first before stepping up to another level. :)
Once I'm done with the long-overdue thesis, I'll work something up. Promise! :)