
Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Who's thinking about you now?

Who's thinking about you now?
If you were building a wall, who would tear it all down and pull you through?
Who's thinking about you?

Who'd care enough to send you flowers, that you could call at all hours,
And give your love to?

Somebody must believe if they could see what I see
If they haven't, well they will
Baby they all will

Just when you suspect that life couldn't get no harder, something comes
Along and makes your dark day darker
The weight of it all falls on you

Who will be the one to listen when it's time to listen?
Who will be the one to miss you when you've gone missing?
Well, I do.



  1. it is very attractive and elegant

  2. Anonymous9:19 pm

    Xtau nak cakap aper...masyaallah...cantek....

  3. sweet clr..
    as usual stunning!

  4. Anonymous1:07 am

    cantik!"camne nak buat huruf tu?

  5. Blognya keren! Karyanya luar biasa. Saya lihat bahwa kamu upload banyak foto. Apa kamu mau mengembangkan blognya lagi? Kunjungi page kami di: Semuanya gratis, cepat dan tanpa limitasi. Kamu bisa upload sebanyak files (audio, video, pdf, jpg, dll.), membuat koleksi berkas dan bagikan dengan lainya. Kami tidak terhapus filenya dengan waktu batas. Coba servis kami tanpa registrasi:)


  6. Saya izin modifikasi ya mbak

  7. Anonymous1:43 pm

    تتنوع شركات تصنيع العبوات البلاستيكية بين الشركات الكبرى العالمية التي تتخذ من مصر والشرق الاوسط مقرًا لها، والشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة التي تنتشر في جميع أنحاء العالم. وتختلف هذه الشركات في نوعية المنتجات التي تقدمها، وكذلك في التقنيات والعمليات الإنتاجية التي تستخدمها.
